Main Projects



In this Roguelite, you will play Avril, a skater girl from hell who wants to save her dog from the paradise that doesn’t seem to be as perfect as it seems. 

Myths and Steel (Wargame)

In a world where the soldier of the second world war are fighting along Myths and with more advanced technology, you will have to manage your army to deafeat the opposent. (the videogame adaptation of the boardgame just after this)

Myths and Steel (Boardgame)

In a world where the soldier of the second world war are fighting along Myths and with more advanced technology, you will have to manage your army to deafeat the opposent.


Visual Effects Unity

         Timeline :

          october 2021 – january 2022

         Team :

          3 Game Programmers / Game Designers, 6 Game Artists

 The theme of our project has been chosen quite randomly and we end up with : a skater girl who does necromancy in the sky. So our story is about Avril, a girl who just died in an accident with her loved one and she goes… in hell alone. When she arrived there she discovered that the safe place isn’t paradise but hell so  she decided to travel to the sky to save her loved one and brings him back to hell with her. 

In this project I got the chance to take care of all the visual effects for the attacks of Avril and the enemy in the game. I got so much fun working on it. I also also done some character design at some occasion. 

Keypoints :

  • Nearly full time visual artist
  •  First game in little team (9 people)
  • Did all the integration of my visual effects 



 Myths and Steel (Wargame)

Project Management Unity Pixel art

         Timeline :

February – June 2021

         Team :

50 in total : 20 Game Designers, 5 Game Programmers, 25 Game Artists

This project was the adaptation of the boardgame on the uchronie of the second world war. It is a tactical wargame made on unity in Pixel art.

The objectif of this project was to focalize ourself on the production of the game either than redoing a pre production. Because we already have our concept art and our story ready we could attack the production really fast and learning how to do pixel art.  

In this Project I get the chance to be the co-Artistic Producer of the entire project and as well the lead Game Artist and Artistic Director of my sub-group “Guadalcanal” while being the character designer and character animation of the team. 


 Keypoints : 

  • First team videogame on Unity
  •  Project Management
  • Lead Game Artist
  • Pixel art : Character design and animation


 Myths and Steel (Boardgame)

Project Management Concept art Illustration

         Timeline :

October 2020 – January 2021

         Team :

56 in total : 28 Game Designers, 28 Game Artists

This project is a boardgame made with all our promo. It’s an technologic and mythic uchronie of the second world war. It has 7 different battles in it. I was I the “El Alamein” battle. 

It’s a strategy game where you will control your army to win the battle with real weapons or with magical Myths that came back to earth to fight with the human. 

In this project I was in charge of the project management and producing of the art side so of 28 Game Artists and of course coordinating with the other 28 Game Designers. I was also Lead Game Artist and Artistic Director of my sub group of 8 people. So I get the chance to learn a lot about the world of producing and how to solve a lot of different problems.


 Keypoints : 

  • 56 team game
  • Concept Artist 
  • Illustration
  • Project Management
  • Lead Game Artist